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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
Our feature books of the week can be found here.   | Pre-Loved Uniform Sale, including PE uniform | Friday 27th September | 3.30pm | Y6 classroom | £1+ donation per item welcomed | Want to find out more about our school? Please join us for our Open Morning on Saturday 21st September 2024 (10am-12pm) or call to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher and tour of the school (0114 2485009) | Polish Saturday School at SJF - please click here  | OPEN MORNING 2024 | Saturday 21st September 2024 | 10.00am - 12.00pm | We welcome all, including Catholic children and children of all faiths and no faith | Pop in to find out more | Refreshments available | Meet the children, staff, Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher, Governors and other parents | We look forward to seeing you! | WELCOME MEETINGS | 3.30pm |Y6 classroom | Childcare provided |Years 1 & 2 on 09-09-24 | Years 3 & 4 on 10-09-24 |Years 5 & 6 on 11-09-24 | FS2 on 19-09-24 | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Shared Story Time! Why not join us? Check the calendar for dates and book through the school office. | Shared Phonics and Reading Sessions! Why not join us to see how we do it? Please book through the school office if you would like to join us on 13th or 14th November 2024.   | SJF Parent & Carer Questionnaire 2024 please click here | Summer Curriculum Showcase: click here | Latest Newsletters: Click here | Our School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm
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Headteacher's Welcome


St John Fisher is an aspirational learning community with a strong vision, shared values and a proud Catholic ethos.

Our expectations are high and we are ambitious for every child. We work hard to ensure that each can feel happy, safe and loved in school and at home and we aim to inspire them to enjoy and achieve every day.

We believe that every child is talented and unique and should be affirmed and supported to appreciate their own uniqueness, gifts and talents. Our school is one where children are known and understood.

St John Fisher is a place where everyone is treated with respect, tolerance and understanding. We aim to be inclusive; a place where good manners and behaviour are valued enormously and every child can experience success, whilst developing the skills and attitudes necessary to be happy and successful life-long learners.

We all recognise parents and carers as our children’s first educators and so invite them to be our partners. We encourage them to engage with school life and we share lots of information so that they are well-informed.

I am immensely proud of our young people and of how we continue to grow and develop as a community.

If you would like to find out more, please contact us to arrange a visit. Our newsletters and Curriculum Overviews are full of information and also chart our journey. They will give you a sense of what we are about.

Thank you for visiting our website.

Frank Barratt
