St John Fisher is an aspirational learning community with a strong vision, shared values and a proud Catholic ethos.
Our expectations are high and we are ambitious for every child. We work hard to ensure that each can feel happy, safe and loved in school and at home and we aim to inspire them to enjoy and achieve every day.
We believe that every child is talented and unique and should be affirmed and supported to appreciate their own uniqueness, gifts and talents. Our school is one where children are known and understood.
St John Fisher is a place where everyone is treated with respect, tolerance and understanding. We aim to be inclusive; a place where good manners and behaviour are valued enormously and every child can experience success, whilst developing the skills and attitudes necessary to be happy and successful life-long learners.
We all recognise parents and carers as our children’s first educators and so invite them to be our partners. We encourage them to engage with school life and we share lots of information so that they are well-informed.
I am immensely proud of our young people and of how we continue to grow and develop as a community.
If you would like to find out more, please contact us to arrange a visit. Our newsletters and Curriculum Overviews are full of information and also chart our journey. They will give you a sense of what we are about.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Frank Barratt
SJF Houses
Term 3 Smiley Scores (2024-25)

Beat Your Best!

The latest ‘Beat Your Best Challenge’ to be designed by our Sports Majors will test balance.
How many jumps can you manage before the beanbag falls?
Can you beat your friends' scores?
Can you beat your first score?
Why not try the challnge at home with rolled up socks and see who can manage the most at home?
Why not extend the challenge by adding hight to the jumps?
Why not try more complex jumps, for example half turns and full turns?
SJF Safeguarding
Our school is an Operation Encompass school.
Operation Encompass is a notification schools receive when a child is exposed to (or involved in) a domestic incident. Trained members of our SJF Safeguarding Team are informed so that they can support the safety and wellbeing of any children and family members affected.
Our Safeguarding Team is:
Designated Safeguarding Lead
- Mr F Barratt
Designated Safeguarding Deputies
- Mrs M Barrett
- Mrs I Hadfield
- Mr C Murphy
- Mrs V Barratt (Early Years)
To find out more please click on this LINK.
Our 'Whisper Button' provides an additional way for concerns to be reported by children, families and others.
Whisper® is a reporting service that enables our SJF Safeguarding Team to receive disclosures via a simple form or text message.
Click the grey button to share a concern.
We take the safeguarding and wellbeing of our children extremely seriously and remind our children continually of their right to feel happy, safe and loved every day in and out of school. Children are encouraged to 'Tell! Tell! Tell!' if they are worried about anything or anyone.
Children have a number of options for raising issues and accessing support:
- 'Wishes, Whys and Worries' boxes around school
- 'The Hub' (at lunchtimes)
- Healthy Minds Champions (peers who are trained by the Sheffield Healthy Minds Team)
- a Mental Health Worker (provided by the Sheffield Healthy Minds Team)
- emotionally available staff who have received accredited Trauma-Informed Schools UK and Positive Regard training
Our fantastic SJF Wake and Shakers have lots of different routines to get you energised and feeling positive at the start of each new day! Click to view the daily routines, and join us every day at 8.40am!
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SJF Calendar
Monday, 10th February 2025 |
RESPECT (Term 3 Learning Value) |
FS2 PE (PE uniform to be worn all day) |
Tuesday, 11th February 2025 |
Safer Internet Day 2025 |
RESPECT (Term 3 Learning Value) |
Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform to be worn all day) |
Wednesday, 12th February 2025 |
RESPECT (Term 3 Learning Value) |
Y3 & Y4 PE (Children to wear PE uniform all day) |
Showcase Set-Up- Children will need a pack lunch from home or school. (12.00pm) |
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
RESPECT (Term 3 Learning Value) |
Winter Curriculum Showcase (8.45am to 10.00am & 3.30pm to 4.15pm - all welcome! Children will need a packed lunch provided by home or school ) |
No Celebration of the Word |
Y5 & Y6 PE (PE uniform to be worn all day) |
Friday, 14th February 2025 |
RESPECT (Term 3 Learning Value) |
End of Term 3 |