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St John Fisher Primary, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, Sheffield
For our latest 'BYB Challenge' please click here! | PLEASE NOTE that the School Office is open between 8.30am and 4.30pm. Thank you. | For our latest feature books please click here | Term 3 Curriculum Overviews covering the curriculum for RE and each year group can be found here | FS2 Workshop: Monday 3rd March 2025 | Early Reading, Writing & Mathematics | 3.30pm | all FS2 parents/carers invited | Child care provided | Winter Curriculum Showcase: Thursday 13th February 2025 (8.45am - 9.45am & 3.30pm-4.15pm). All welcome! | Wake Up! Shake Up! Click here for our Term 3 videos! | 'Dinosaur' the premiere - please click here | 2025-2026 SJF Calendar please click here. | SJF Recommended Book List 24-25 Please click here  | Latest Newsletters: Click here
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May 2023 July 2023
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Thu 1
Fri 2
Sat 3

Sun 4

Mon 5
Start of Term 6 (Wake Up! Shake Up! 8.40am)
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER: FS2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Tue 6
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Wed 7
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y3 & Y4 PE (PE uniform all day)
Thu 8
Sports Day 2023 (PE uniform all day)
No Liturgy of the Word (Sports Day)
Fri 9
Celebration Assembly - 9.05am (Everyone is invited)
Class Group Photographs
School Photographs (Class Portraits)
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
Sat 10

Sun 11

Mon 12
National Phonics Screening Week 2023 (for Y1 pupils and Y2 children who did not pass the screening last year)
REVIEWS (for children with special educational needs and disabilities - SEND )
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER: FS2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Tue 13
National Phonics Screening Week 2023 (for Y1 pupils and Y2 children who did not pass the screening last year)
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Wed 14
National Phonics Screening Week 2023 (for Y1 pupils and Y2 children who did not pass the screening last year)
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y3 & Y4 PE (PE uniform all day)
Thu 15
National Phonics Screening Week 2023 (for Y1 pupils and Y2 children who did not pass the screening last year)
Y2 Visit to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park (Detail will be shared)
Y6 Liturgy of the Word (9.05am - Y6 family and friends invited )
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER: Y5 & Y6 PE (PE uniform all day)
Fri 16
National Phonics Screening Week 2023 (for Y1 pupils and Y2 children who did not pass the screening last year)
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
Celebration Assembly - 9.05am (Everyone is invited)
Sat 17

Sun 18

Mon 19
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER: FS2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Tue 20
REVIEWS (for children with special educational needs and disabilities - SEND )
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Wed 21
Feast of St John Fisher (10am, led by Y3, OLOL - all welcome! )
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y3 & Y4 PE (PE uniform all day)
Thu 22
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER: Y5 & Y6 PE (PE uniform all day)
Fri 23
Non-Uniform Day (to celebrate the feast day of St John Fisher, our patron )
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
Celebration Assembly - 9.05am (Everyone is invited)
Sat 24
Summer Fayre - All Welcome! (Our Lady of Lourdes from 2.00pm - 4.00pm)
Sun 25

Mon 26
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER: FS2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Tue 27
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y1 & Y2 PE (PE uniform all day)
Wed 28
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER Y3 & Y4 PE (PE uniform all day)
Thu 29
Y1 Liturgy of the Word (9.05am - Y1 family and friends invited )
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
REMINDER: Y5 & Y6 PE (PE uniform all day)
Fri 30
Y6 Statutory Assessment of Writing (Attendance is very important)
PTFA Friday Fayre (3.30pm, incorporating the Y5 Enterprise Challenge )
Celebration Assembly - 9.05am (Everyone is invited)